Real Estate

“RBA Raises Interest Rates by 0.25 Basis Points in Australia: Navigating the Impact on Homeowners, Borrowers, and Investors”

Australia has been experiencing a gradual increase in interest rates set by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). These rate hikes, aimed at managing inflation and fostering economic stability, have become a topic of interest for both homeowners and investors. Following its June meeting on Tuesday, the RBA announced the cash rate would rise by 0.25 percentage points, from 3.85 per cent to 4.10 per cent. We...

rex real estate buyer's agent

Do You Need a Buyers Agent to buy a house? buyer's agent or advocate should make the process of finding a new home easier and less stressful, but are they worth the money?The term “Buyer’s Agent” used to be little known and is slowly becoming more common. But what is it, who is it, and why is it important to “have one” when buying property in any market?Firstly, a buyer’s agent is a property professional...


Top 5 Questions to Ask your Real Estate Agent

When you’re in the process of buying a home, it can take a while to feel confident about speaking with real estate agents. However, the more properties you look at, the more you will realise there are some important things to know before you put in an offer. 1. How much is my home worth and why?  The property value is how much an average buyer in the area is willing to pay for. An experienced real...

inflation rex real estate

Why Interest rates going up with Inflation?

What is the Inflation Target? Australia's inflation target is to keep annual consumer price inflation between 2 and 3 per cent, on average, over time. The particular measure of consumer price inflation is the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is a suitable measure of inflation to target because it captures price changes for the goods and services that households buy, is...

Skills That You Can Learn In The Real Estate Market

You don’t necessarily have to possess a certain personality type, come from a particular background, or even have the same goals as the people around you to find success in real estate. It’s a profession in which many different kinds of people have found success. But despite their differences, successful real estate agents have often mastered similar skill sets that give them an advantage over their...

Learn The Truth About Real Estate Industry

1. Real Estate Professionals Get Rich Quickly Most think this is a get-rich-quick profession, and they are disappointed when they discover that is not the case. Being a real estate agent means you are putting the needs of your clients ahead of your own needs, and this means your income needs as well. And sometimes this is challenging, if you enter the profession undercapitalized. – Michelle...

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